About Covid-19
It may be time to break out the masks against Covid, some experts say A good summary of current Covid-19 activity and recommendations.
Justice Dept. brings wave of cases over $836 million in alleged covid fraud “In one of the largest national crackdowns on fraud targeting federal coronavirus aid, the Justice Department on Wednesday said it had brought 718 law enforcement actions in connection with the alleged theft of more than $836 million.”
BA.2.86 subvariant potentially better at causing breakthrough infections: CDC “The recently detected BA.2.86 COVID-19 subvariant may be more capable of causing infections in people who previously contracted the virus or have been vaccinated, according to a risk assessment from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), though it remains unclear if this strain causes more severe illness than others.”
About hospitals and healthcare systems
The Upheaval at America’s Disappearing Nursing Homes, in Charts A good review of the topic from The Wall Street Journal. “The U.S. has at least 600 fewer nursing homes than it did six years ago, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of federal data. More senior care is happening at home, and the Covid-19 pandemic caused many families to shun nursing homes while draining workers from an already short-staffed industry.
The result? Frail elderly patients are stuck in hospitals, a dangerous place for seniors, waiting for somewhere to go—sometimes for months. Beds are disappearing while the need for senior care is growing. The American population 65 and older is expected to swell from 56 million in 2020 to 81 million by 2040.”
About pharma
CVS launches unit to market and co-produce biosimilar medicines “CVS Health Corp said on Wednesday it has launched a new company called Cordavis that will work directly with manufacturers to commercialize and co-produce biosimilar medicines for the U.S. market.
The company next year will partner with Swiss drugmaker Novartis' Sandoz unit to market Hyrimoz, a version of AbbVie's blockbuster arthritis drug Humira, at a list price that is more than 80% lower than the branded drug.”
FDA flags Amazon, Walmart for selling unapproved drug “In warning letters published Aug. 22, the agency accused Amazon, Walmart, homeopathic company Nature's Innovation and drug company Molluscum Away of selling unapproved medications. The products include Naturasil Molluscum Treatment Kits and MolluscumAway Hydrating Patches.”
About the public’s health
Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, 2023–24 Influenza Season The CDC announced its 2023 recommendations. Among them are:
“Influenza vaccines might be available as early as July or August; however, vaccination during these months is not recommended for most groups because of the possible waning of immunity over the course of the influenza season (21–37). However, vaccination of such persons during July and August can be considered in instances where there is concern that the recipient will not be vaccinated at a later date. Considerations for timing of vaccination include the following:
For most adults (particularly adults aged ≥65 years) and for pregnant persons in the first or second trimester:Vaccination during July and August should be avoided unless there is concern that vaccination later in the season might not be possible.
Children who require 2 doses: Certain children aged 6 months through 8 years require 2 doses of influenza vaccine for the season (see Children Aged 6 Months Through 8 Years: Number of Influenza Vaccine Doses). These children should receive their first dose as soon as possible (including during July and August, if vaccine is available) to allow the second dose (which must be administered ≥4 weeks later) to be received, ideally, by the end of October.
Children who require only 1 dose: Vaccination during July and August can be considered for children of any age who need only 1 dose of influenza vaccine for the season. Although waning of immunity after vaccination over the course of the season has been observed among all age groups, there are fewer published studies reporting results specifically among children. Moreover, children in this group might visit health care providers during the late summer months for medical examinations before the start of school. Vaccination can be considered at this time because it represents a vaccination opportunity.
Pregnant persons in the third trimester: Vaccination during July and August can be considered for pregnant persons who are in the third trimester during these months because vaccination has been associated in multiple studies with reduced risk for influenza illness in their infants during the first months after birth, when they are too young to receive influenza vaccine. For pregnant persons in the first or second trimester during July and August, waiting to vaccinate until September or October is preferable, unless there is concern that later vaccination might not be possible.”