About pharma
15 largest pharmacies in the US: CVS and Walgreens top the list but the magnitude of the differences between them and the next 13 (in total prescription dispensing revenue) is large.
What's going on at the FDA? 10 agency updates: Other than working on COVID-19, the FDA is involved in a number of other important activities. This article is a great summary of what the FDA is doing.
About the public’s health
What Trump actually proposed in his coronavirus speech: Most of the proposals were economic. Nothing about ramping up testing (which Speaker Pelosi advocated in her press conference today). Travel by Europeans to the US will be closed for 30 days- but does not affect the UK or Ireland. Also, the President backtracked on goods coming from Europe- they will be allowed.
Q&A: How to care for the elderly without putting them at risk of coronavirus: This article has good practical answers to common questions about caring for the elderly facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent reports from China indicate a 22% mortality rate for those over 80 who are infected.
Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12‐step programs for alcohol use disorder: This Cochrane report supports the effectiveness of 12 step programs for alcohol use disorder and compares it to other methods.
About emerging technology
Microbiome analyses of blood and tissues suggest cancer diagnostic approach: Genetic profiling of cancer cells has become common, as has analysis of blood and other fluids for cancer cells and metabolites (so-called liquid biopsies). This study takes a new tack to diagnose cancers. The researchers found that they “could discriminate among samples from healthy, cancer-free individuals (n = 69) and those from patients with multiple types of cancer (prostate, lung, and melanoma; 100 samples in total) solely using plasma-derived, cell-free microbial nucleic acids.” In other words, they can use markers of different microbial profiles from the patient’s flora to assess cancers.
How artificial kidneys and miniaturized dialysis could save millions of lives: This article from Nature is an excellent review of current and future status of dialysis technology.
About healthcare professionals
Policies Affecting the Number of Physicians in the US and a Framework for Reform: This article is a nice summary of the measures needed to address physician shortages. It must be read with the understanding that it comes from the American Enterprise Institute, a free-market think tank. So, recommendations like expanding immigration and promotion of medical oversight not tied to the medical profession should not come as a surprise.