Today's News and Commentary

About the public’s health

Amount and Intensity of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Lower Cancer Risk: Risks for several types of cancer can be lowered with regular exercise- or at least the association suggests.

Patient Views on Religious Institutional Health Care: “In a population-based survey study of 1446 US adults, only 6.4% reported that they considered religious affiliation when selecting a health care facility. Most patients (71.4%), particularly women, believed that their personal choices about their health should take priority over a facility’s religious values…Given the growth in ownership of health care facilities by religious entities in the United States and increasing attention to conscientious objections, these findings point to a need for advocacy and legislation that effectively balances protections for religious institutions with protections for patients.”

About pharma

New Evidence Linking Greater Generic Competition and Lower Generic Drug Prices: A recent study by the FDA quantifies how much additional generic entrants lower prices. Compared to the market before generic introduction, one generic product will lower prices by 39%; by the time there are six competitors, the price declines by at least 95%.