About healthcare IT
USDA Invests $42.5M in Rural Distance Learning and Telemedicine: “The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that it is investing $42.5 million in 133 distance learning and telemedicine projects in 37 states and two territories. The projects, which will be funded through the USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) grant program, could impact 5.4 million rural residents.”
I Invented the World Wide Web. Here’s How We Can Fix It (NY Times, subscription may be required): This editorial is by Sir Tim Berners-Lee who invented the WWW at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. (See Chapter 8, Information Systems, in the book). He decries that “…prejudice, hate and disinformation are peddled online. Scammers use the web to steal identities, stalkers use it to harass and intimidate their victims, and bad actors subvert democracy using clever digital tactics. The use of targeted political ads in the United States’ 2020 presidential campaign and in elections elsewhere threatens once again to undermine voters’ understanding and choices.” To address these and other problems he explains the Contract for the Web.
About pharma
HHS Proposes ‘Most Favored Nation’ Approach to Lower Drug Prices: “An HHS proposed rule currently under review at the Office of Management and Budget would have the U.S. pay less than other developed countries for some Medicare drugs by using a “most favored nation” approach, HHS Secretary Alex Azar said.”
Qualitative study on the price of drugs for multiple sclerosis: Pharma executives say the high price of medications is needed to recoup R&D expenses. But this study of confidential interviews with insiders in those companies yields different explanations.
”Participants consistently stated that initial price decisions were dictated by the price of existing competitors in the market. Revenue maximization and corporate growth were drivers of price escalations in the absence of continued market penetration. Lower revenue predictions outside the United States also informed pricing strategies. The growing complexity and clout of drug distribution and supply channels were also cited as contributing factors. Although decisions to raise prices were motivated by the need to attract investment for future innovation, recouping drug-specific research and development costs as a justification was not strongly endorsed as having a significant influence on pricing decisions [emphasis added].”
About hospitals and health systems
Partners rebrands to Mass General Brigham: The headline speaks for itself.
About healthcare quality and safety
Association of the Work Schedules of Hospitalists With Patient Outcomes of Hospitalization: “Hospitalist schedules promoting inpatient continuity of care may be associated with better outcomes of hospitalization.” What a surprise!
About health insurance
The $11M dollar Medicare tool that gives seniors the wrong insurance information: The online tool that helps Medicare beneficiaries choose Part D drug plans recently underwent an $11million “improvement.” Yet this article provides many examples of how the new version provides incorrect information about plan choices. Having used the old tool for family members every year since it was available in 2005, I can vouch that it worked. If it isn’t broke…